Final Product What You'll Be Creating
Step 1
Create a new document (2100 px x 1300 px) and add a gradient as shown. Next, create a new layer called "Sketch" and draw a simple phone scene. It is important to rough out the path for the spring cord, as we will use this as a guide in the next step.Step 2
The first thing we’ll create is the spring cord for the phone. We’ll use a technique involving the Smudge Tool to do this. To begin, use the Pen Tool (P) to create a spiral path, using the sketch as a guide. Since we are just creating a path, it doesn’t matter which layer is selected. As you might tell, drawing a path this complex without any guides can easily produce some unrealistic results. Note: If your path goes off screen, it may ruin the effect. It is better to create a path completely within the canvas, and then move it to a desired location after step 5.Step 3
For this next effect to work properly, we need to move the path so that it is completely within the canvas.Now, before we create the actual cord, we are going to create a test cord so we can see how this technique works: Create a new group called “Spring Cord” with a layer inside called “Color Test.” On this layer, create a box and color it as shown. Rotate and position the box so that it is over the end point, perpendicular to the path.
Step 4
Create a new layer called “Cord Test” and select the Smudge Tool with the setting shown below. Now, go to the Paths Panel and select the path we created in step 2. Right Click and select Stroke Path using the Smudge Tool. As you can see, the colors from the box appear to be ‘extruded’ along the path. We can now use this color test to help us create the actual cord.Step 5
On a new layer called “Shade Box”, create a new box (just like we did with the color test) and fill it with a light gray. Now that we know how the colors on the box are translated along the path, we can use the dodge and burn tools to add some shading to the gray box (feel free to experiment with different shadings). Now, create a new layer called “Cord” and, using the Paths Panel, add a Stroke Path just like we did in Step 4. The outcome is similar to a rail extrude effect seen in 3d software.Now, move this cord back in to position according to our sketch.
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